Compliance as a corporate culture
With our products and services, the PS Pharma Group stands for quality, innovation and integrity. We are proud to call ourselves a leader in our market (handling of narcotics). Honesty and conduct with integrity have always played a central role in achieving our goals. We are aware of the responsibility we bear towards our customers and business partners, our employees, healthcare professionals and especially towards patients. Therefore, compliance will continue to be the basis of our behavior and decision-making in the future.
Compliance System
To emphasize the importance of compliance with the law, we have established this maxim as a corporate principle: “We comply with applicable law and internal policies. Compliance is therefore an integral part of our corporate culture.We therefore operate a compliance management system which enables you as a customer, business partner or employee of the company to act in accordance with uniform and binding structures.Our compliance system brings together a comprehensive system of measures aimed at ensuring that our business is always in full compliance with the law and our internal principles and rules. At the same time, we want to permanently anchor responsible behavior in the thinking and actions of all our employees.Our compliance system is divided into three levels of action: Prevention, detection and response. Preventive measures include compliance risk management, our “Anti-Corruption” and “Healthcare Manual” guidelines and procedures, as well as comprehensive training and advice and training for our employees.Clear responses and unambiguous consequences serve to punish misconduct and remedy weaknesses. Across these three levels, the responsibility of all managers for compliance forms the overarching element of our compliance system. In addition, our ethical standards require us to avoid all situations in which conflicts of interest may arise or even the appearance of such conflicts of interest. Against this background, the management, executives and employees of the PS Pharma Group bear the responsibility for proper dealings with business partners, resources and, not least, with each other. We also demand integrity and legally compliant behavior from our business partners.